Feet: x x like x like the nose on a good luck mascot, the toes like the ?worms in a squid.
Mount Venus:
moundlike - unruly pubic hair like a (brown) woollen mound - a fleece on a grassy hill
Vagina: Botnloka?
vagina - hole - boat - the boat seen from above - a red boat (unripened berry)
X clit = the steering wheel of the boat
Back: magnificent - straight and strong, not bent - white like a flower about to bloom - just before it opens
Bottom: like a split nut, white and soft but strong - a peanut
Knee: a slice of an apple - hard like a glass, yet fragile - like a shield, convex shield
Calves: like a ... very hard, would need a hammer to break
Arms: like treebranches, white and delicate yet strong like ropes
Neck: like a treetrunk - long neck, soft and roundish - strong and flexible like a spiral - strong neck like a horse's, soft like a silken scarf - an oaktree
Shoulders: like a roof - the power of the horse - like the roof of a shed for tools - gardening tools
Hair: silky soft - reddish brown (henna), shoulderlength - rustling of the leaves, grass moving in the breeze- Is the fringe like this X or this X or X or X? A helmet of a warrior from the middle ages?
Breasts: Average, white - look like a little balloon or half a ball. Nipples like a dummy or a lollipop - breast - sugar - pink or reddish pink - added security - RED is sexy
Are? they like that? X or X the space between the breasts are like the gap between tussocks
Eyebrows: thin, curved and light brown, lightbrown like French clothes - close to the colour of pale horses - the church vault X between two pillars
Forehead: A slanting snowslope
Eyes: Blue eyes, light blue like the southern sea, the eyes shine like the sun - a spiritual heart - a mirror - like cat's eyes - the eyes evoke the mother's love - peanuts or melons - open eyes XX
Ears: Indian ears - always listening, on the alert - they (the indians) are always sending messages - ears shaped like a hook X X
Chin: Reminds one of a bow of a boat - protruding jaw, powerful like a lion's
Cheeks: Prominent cheekbones - flat and blushing - a stack of hay, a mirror, an oval mirror X
Nose: A greek nose - straight, sharp outlines, high like an aeroplane's tail or bow XX
Stomach: white and flat, muscular but soft, snow - silky blanket, the navel like a ball - dried up - milk
Hips: Firm and white - 2 1/2 melon
Hands: Reminiscent of indented leaves X the lines are the veins of the leaf - Birchwood leaves without ornaments
Thighs: Strong thighs, average size - like a treetrunk, white thighs - an Oak