Anna Hrund-Ingibjörg -Lilja - Selma -Þórgunnur - Katla - Raggi
MARGLAGA - skynjunarskóli
26. 02. 2011 - 20. 03. 2011
*opening at Kling and Bang Saturday February 26th at 5 pm*

Saturday 26th of February, a few artists will open an exhibition at Kling and Bang gallery, establishing a temporary school. It is an open learning prjoect, focusing on sensory experience and intuitional learning. There will be some guests, speakers or experiment leaders hosting classes, events, talks or mini-projects.

Everyone is welcome to the opening, starting at 5 pm. The school inauguration is set for 5.30 pm.

Anna Hrund - Ingibjörg - Lilja - Selma - Þórgunnur - Katla - Raggi

Kling & Bang gallerí
Hverfisgata 42
IS-101 Reykjavik

Open Tuesday-Sunday from 2-6 pm. Events take place in the weekend during opening hours and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, starting at 8pm.
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Grandagarđur 20 - 101 Reykjavík kob@this.is