25. mars 2004

The city of Ísafjörður to honor Snorri!

One more feather in Snorri Ásmundssson’s cap.
The people of Ísafjörður have sought to make Snorri an honored citizen of that city. “I am moved! This shows me that the main enclave of Mr Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson has fallen and that now the lines will be more sharply drawn,” said Snorri at a meeting of his supporters in Smáralind Mall yesterday. Most amazing is that Snorri has only been to Ísafjörður once, while he was a deckhand on the patrol boat Tý almost twenty years ago, and was docked at that port for a few hours.
“I remember that I was inspired by the beauty of the fjord, and decided that I would definitly return someday. The citizens have taken me pleasantly by surprise, however, by honoring me in this way. I am very thankful; this is just the encouragement I need!
This proves at the same time that the people of Ísafjörður are decent people open for new experiences.”

© Snorri Asmundsson
Kosningasjóður. Reikningsnr.: 303-26-77777 Kt: 131166-4199